Sorting and Reordering Gallery Items

You can sort on any field in the catalog, including Custom Fields. You can use the “View by” options from the View menu to quickly sort items in the active Gallery, or simply select sort orders from the Sorting palette.

To Sort the active Gallery:

  1. From the Sorting palette, click a field name to sort the active gallery by that field. Click the name to toggle the sort between Ascending and Descending sort, or choose Ascending or Descending from the palette fly-out menu.

— or —

  1. Choose a sort “by” option from the View menu.

    Sort options on this menu include: by Cataloged, by Filename, by File Type Mac, by Extension Win.

— or —

  1. Choose “by Other...” from the View menu, or press Command+Option+D (Mac OS) or Ctrl+Shift+D (Windows).

    The View by Other dialog box is displayed.

  2. From the list, choose the type of sort, and choose “Ascending” or “Descending” order.

  3. Click “OK” to sort the list and return to the Gallery window.

Tip: To maintain the new order, enable "Keep Sorted" on the Sorting palette, or save the Gallery.

To manually Reorder items in the active Gallery:

  1. Select the item thumbnail(s) that you wish to relocate, then drag them to the new location.

    Note: Changes to the Gallery view, such as adding items to the Gallery, may undo these changes.

    Note: If “Keep Sorted” has been selected on the Sorting palette, attempts to manually reorder the records by dragging will simply result in them snapping back to their sort location.